Sunday, April 15, 2012

Zombie Survival Tip #2 – Always Keep the High Ground

This one should be obvious, but in a very complex world this rule is often ignored. There are three ways to look at this: tactical, operational, and strategic. Sunflower seed, almond, walnut. Small, medium, large. Are we tracking so far?

Tactical Implications of Maintaining the High Ground in the Zombie Apocalypse: well, let’s just say how it is – Zombies can’t climb. They’re slow, unenergetic and LOVE gravitational pull (so to speak.) If you’ve ever gone backpacking and observed the great outdoors as I have (from mountaintops), I probably don’t need to explain to you why the high ground is so important. For those that haven’t – you can see more the higher you go. If this is something you already know, don’t take offense – I’m just reminding you of what you already know. So if you’re in a very pressing situation, upward and onward – and fast! Bottom-line-up-front (BLUF): Look after yourself now so you can do more tomorrow. Live today, fight tomorrow.

Operational Implications of Maintaining the High Ground in the Zombie Apocalypse: Establishing a ground network is very important. Let’s say you’re barricaded or fortified within a serious of two-story buildings. You could even say that these two-story buildings are two level homes. Zombies can’t climb – so what do you do? You completely shut off access to the first floor. Problem solved? Not quite. If you’re in a house that’s completely surrounded by Zombies – you’ve got nowhere to go. You’ve just painted yourself in a corner. (NOTE TO THE READER: DO NOT ESTABLISH YOURSELF IN A TWO-LEVEL HOME FOR A LENGTHY PERIOD OF TIME.) Realistically, find a corporate building, one that’s completely abandoned. If the water is running, you’re in luck – but don’t expect this water to last for a long time. If you’re lucky, it’ll last a week (a factor which is completely dependent upon how your city runs its water treatment facilities, etc. In other words, start looking it up!) If you’re in this building, you can spread out with large groups of people. If you have roof access, even better because you can grow crops from said rooftop provided you establish a sufficient irrigation system. You’re basically turning the building into a modern day medieval castle. The bigger the building, the longer you can hold out during the Zombie Apocalypse – but remember: you have to work, you have to plan, and you have to anticipate. To set up a large building – say the Sears Tower in Chicago, IL – would take MONTHS, if not a whole year! Remember my advice back in Tip #1 – you’re more likely to survive in greater numbers, and in this scenario that maxim couldn’t be truer. BLUF: Let’s get our hands dirty so we can make it to the next month.

Strategic Implications of Maintaining the High Ground in the Zombie Apocalypse: Let’s say you’ve successfully built up, maintained, and prepared three corporate buildings in an urban environment. How many years have passed? Two to four probably. If you’ve made it two years, you’re good to go. You might be bitter and miserable, but really – why should you be? Chuck Darwin is probably giving you the thumbs up with much approval, and he’s probably put his mortgage on you, betting that you’ll outlast the next 10 years. You’re definitely doing well, and you need ensure that you have social contracts in place to protect you. What am I talking about? Laws. Regulations. Good habits. If you’re in the United States, your best bet is probably to keep what everyone knows – or at least should know: The Constitution. It worked out for Europe when the Roman Empire fell – (that is if you believe Rome actually fell.) Governors still maintained control over their territories. Roman roads were still being used. Roman currency was still being exchanged. When the Zombie Apocalypse takes place (yes, I said when…) – there won’t be a central government as there was none at the fall of the Roman Empire. Some Americans believe that the Federal Government is always looking after these people – and you know what I call these people? Unprepared. Dead. Zombies. Darwin’s F Students. Hopefully, the Zombies will have taken care of a good number of these people, but we can only be so optimistic. That’s why you need to strongly adhere to your social contracts. If people don’t pull their weight, you might as well be dead. So stick to the moral high ground. Maintain that which is already established.

Technical notes:
1) When the Zombie Apocalypse first takes place, satellites will still be orbiting the Earth. GPS and UHF radio signals will still be pretty handy and they work best on the high ground. If established civilizations are still up and running, you’re more likely to establish communication with other people if you control the high ground.

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